Outcome-based 22/SU Course Syllabus
Course Rubric-Number-Section:ABDR-1323-10X1
Contact Hours:
  • 2 hrs - Online Component
  • 4 hrs - Lab
CIP Code:47.0603
Course Title:Collision Repair Steering and Suspension
Course Description:Study of vehicle steering and suspension components including alignment, tire rotation, and balancing.
Take ABDR-2435
Minimum grade C or Credit,P
Course Meets:
Wednesday 8:00AM to 11:40AM
Building: 1ACR room 100
Instructor: Tracy Marshall
Office Phone Number: 254709-9948 text
Email Address: tlmarshall@tstc.edu
Office Fax Number: 254 867-2315
Building & Office Room Number: 1 ACR Lab Lab 100
Office Hours: Thursday 8am - 12pm
Approved by: Clint CampbellDate: 2022-04-14
Course Outcomes
CO1: Identify the functions of steering components
CO2: Diagnose front and rear vehicle alignment angles
CO3: Demonstrate proper procedures when balancing and rotating tires
CO4: Align vehicles to manufacturers' specifications

TSTC Grading Policy for Performance Based Education (PBE) General Education and Academic Courses*
Grade Percent Description Grade Points
A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4
B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3
C 70-79 Minimum Required Performance Level 2
F Below 70 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0
NA - - Not Applicable (Mid-Term)
Note: Only applicable to PBE sections.
NE - - No Credit Earned - Accelerated Courses Only (End of Semester)
Note: Only applicable to PBE sections.
W - - Withdrawal 0
*Note: The above grade codes only apply to Academic/ACGM PBE courses.
TSTC PBE Grading Policy for Performance Based Education (PBE) Technical Programs **
Grade Percent Description Grade Points
A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4
B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3
F below 80 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0
NA - - Not Applicable (Mid-Term) 0
NE - - No Credit Earned
Applicable to Accelerated Courses Only (End of Semester)
W - - Withdrawal 0
**Note: The above grade codes only apply to Technical/WECM PBE courses.
TSTC Grading Policy for Non-PBE Students
Grade Percent Description Grade Points
A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4
B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3
C 70-79 Minimum Required Performance Level 2
D 60-69 Below Required Performance Level 1
F Below 60 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0
W - - Withdrawal 0
IP - - In Progress  
Reference: TSTC Statewide Operating Standard ES 4.06 Grading System

See College Catalog for complete descriptions.

NOTE: Course prerequisite/corequisite
When a course is a prerequisite or corequisite and the student is a PBE student, the PBE grading scheme is applicable. If the prerequisite was completed prior to the PBE start term for the student, the traditional grade may be acceptable. The student should review prior grades with the Enrollment Coach.

Performance Based Education (PBE) Program Competencies and Traditional Program Instruction (Non-PBE) Curriculum Revisions

Each Program of Study, at least once a year, reviews its degree plans, courses, lesson plans, course objectives, course outcomes and/or competencies. They do this to ensure that each degree plan contains the most current curriculum and that it meets industry standards and requirements.

Students who successfully complete courses by meeting the minimum standards set for the course will complete the course outcomes and/or PBE competencies and assessments set at the time of enrollment. Course outcomes, competencies, and assessments can be updated at any time, especially from one academic year to another. If a student needs to repeat a course they may need to complete different lesson plans, course objectives, assessments and/or course competencies.

Example: A student drops or fails a course in the Spring semester. When the student registers to retake a course, some or all of the course lesson plans and/or competencies and assessments may be different. Therefore, the student will need to successfully complete the newest assessment requirements for the course.

Campus Standard Policies

The Student Handbook contains valuable information on campus policies and procedures.

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Student Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
  • Plagiarism
  • Student Grievances and Complaints

Access and Learning Accommodations

(formerly Disability Services)

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Texas State Technical College is committed to ensuring educational access to its students and promotes full participation in it’s programs, services, and course requirements.

Qualified students with disabilities are encouraged to access these services by contacting the Access and Learning Accommodations office to discuss their needs for accommodations.

Students reserve the right to request services at any time during the semester, however, instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from the Access and Learning Accommodations office has been provided.

For information, please contact the Access and Learning Accommodations office in a timely manner.

Statewide contact information:
Email: adarequest@tstc.edu
Phone #: 254.867.3842

Tutoring Statement

The Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Program at TSTC offers free tutoring and academic support services to help you achieve your academic and career goals. You can access the Tutoring Schedule, as well as MyTSTC Video Tutor Library, by visiting: https://portal.tstc.edu/student/Student_Learning/Pages/Tutoring.aspx (shortened link: goo.gl/Z9vJvY ).

For more information, please contact Norma A. Salazar@ 956-364-4557.

Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center provides online and in person library resources and services.  Go to tstc.libguides.com to find help with your assignments, projects, and papers.  Clicking the Student tab will allow you to find resources, homework help, tutorials, and real time chat to answer your questions.


Emergency Assistance Available

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as food insecurity, housing, transportation, and childcare concerns, or you may be unable to pay your bills. These stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. TSTC offers emergency aid and services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. Please contact the TSTC Advocacy & Resource Center.

You can reach a coach here: http://bit.ly/ARCCoach


Title IX

Texas State Technical College (TSTC) seeks to provide an environment that promotes equal opportunity free from discrimination and harassment.

If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or any other form of protected class discrimination, we encourage you to make a report. If you report to a faculty member, she or he must notify TSTC’s Title IX Coordinator about the incident. You may also make a confidential report to TSTC’s Counselors.

All students (including pregnant and parent students), regardless of their legal status are entitled to protections under TSTC’s policy.

For more information about Title IX or sexual misconduct, as well as your options, please visit https://www.tstc.edu/student_life/titleix.

For information about equal opportunity and civil rights policies, visit https://www.tstc.edu/governance/sos.


Student Uniforms Requirement

Fully Online Students

Texas State Technical College requires all students to wear a program-specific uniform while attending functions on and off campus. This uniform is available for purchase at the campus bookstore. As a student in a fully online program you are required to purchase at least two program-specific uniforms in the event you attend any in person or off campus learning opportunities or events (i.e. Job Fairs, Resume & Interview workshops, and media interviews).

Hybrid & F2F Students

Texas State Technical College requires all students to wear a program-specific uniform while attending functions and labs on and off campus. This uniform is available for purchase at the campus bookstore. As a student in a hybrid program you are required to purchase at least two program-specific uniforms to wear to in person labs and other learning opportunities or events held on or off campus (i.e. Job Fairs, Resume & Interview workshops, and media interviews).

Textbooks & Publications:
1Front and Rear Wheel Alignment - RequiredABDR 1323Bookstore Workbook 10412275
Tools, Materials:
ItemResource Quantity
1Approved safety glasses (clear lens)1
2Facemask/Dustmask Level 1 minimum. 1
310-12' (3m) Metric retractable tape measure1
7Desktop, Notebook or Laptop computer or 24hr. access to1
8Internet access for above computer or 24hr. access to1
9Microsoft office software: Word and PowerPoint. Adobe Reader1

Tool Resource Statement

Tools and materials must be acquired by the beginning of the second class week or the student will be dismissed until resources are complete


Grade Scheme
Category Description Category Value   
Written Assessments 1500    
Assessment Label: Assessment Description Assessment Value
Safety Test:Complete lab safety test during lab orientation100.00
Test 2:Camber and Caster Influence100.00
Test 3:01T1 - Suspension angles (comprehensive) 100.00
Test 4:1a-Camber and Caster tolerance 100.00
Test 5:"Techniques for Front Wheel Alignment" 100.00
Test 6:02T1 - Suspension diagnostics (comprehensive)100.00
Homework 1:Complete essays regarding "Alignment Wheel Meets Body" according to instructional handout100.00
Test 7:Suspension Parts Identification 100.00
Homework 2:Complete test worksheet based on "Wheel Alignment" handout100.00
Test 8:I-CAR STE Steering & Suspension100.00
Test 9:03T1 - Tracking and Thrustline100.00
Test 10:SLA worksheet (Lab exercise)100.00
Test 11:"Four Wheel Alignment"100.00
Test 12:04T1-Suspension Diagnostics (comprehensive)100.00
Homework 3:Course Definitions due100.00
Category Description Category Value   
Performance Assessments 1504    
Assessment Label: Assessment Description Assessment Value
Lab 1:Lab 1: Measure Toe and Wheel run out 188.00
Lab 2:Measure Turning Radius 188.00
Lab 3:Measure Camber and Caster using bubble gauges 188.00
Lab 4:SLA Camber and caster exercise188.00
Lab 5:Demonstration: Balancing Tire and Wheel Assembly188.00
Lab 6:Balance tire and wheel assembly188.00
Lab 7:Demonstration of the proper set up and operation of the Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment system188.00
Lab 8:Demonstrate the proper set up and operation of the Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment system on an assigned lab vehicle188.00
Category Description Category Value   
Final Exam 1500    
Assessment Label: Assessment Description Assessment Value
Final Exam:Final Course Exam (comprehensive)1,500.00
Total Assessment Points          4,504.00
Total Category Points 4,504.00
A = 4,504-4,054 B = 4,053-3,603 C = 3,602-3,153 D = 3,152-2,702 F = 2,701-0

Description of Graded Elements of the Course
Assessment Label Assessment Description/Course outcomes met Assessment Value
in Points
% of Final Grade
Safety TestComplete lab safety test during lab orientation
Course outcomes met: CO3
Lab 1Lab 1: Measure Toe and Wheel run out
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2, CO4
Test 2Camber and Caster Influence
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Lab 2Measure Turning Radius
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO4, CO2
Test 301T1 - Suspension angles (comprehensive)
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Test 41a-Camber and Caster tolerance
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Lab 3Measure Camber and Caster using bubble gauges
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO2, CO1
Test 5"Techniques for Front Wheel Alignment"
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Test 602T1 - Suspension diagnostics (comprehensive)
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1, CO4
Lab 4SLA Camber and caster exercise
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO2
Lab 5Demonstration: Balancing Tire and Wheel Assembly
Course outcomes met: CO3
Test 7Suspension Parts Identification
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Homework 1Complete essays regarding "Alignment Wheel Meets Body" according to instructional handout
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2, CO4
Lab 6Balance tire and wheel assembly
Course outcomes met: CO3
Homework 2Complete test worksheet based on "Wheel Alignment" handout
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Test 8I-CAR STE Steering & Suspension
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO3
Lab 7Demonstration of the proper set up and operation of the Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment system
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO2
Test 903T1 - Tracking and Thrustline
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1
Lab 8Demonstrate the proper set up and operation of the Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment system on an assigned lab vehicle
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO2
Test 10SLA worksheet (Lab exercise)
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO4
Test 11"Four Wheel Alignment"
Course outcomes met: CO4, CO2
Test 1204T1-Suspension Diagnostics (comprehensive)
Course outcomes met: CO2
Homework 3Course Definitions due
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2
Final ExamFinal Course Exam (comprehensive)
Course outcomes met: CO2, CO1


Description of Graded Elements of the Course:

Student test assessments will be graded on the ability to choose the correct answer in regard to multiple choice test questions or provide the correct answer to test questions that require a missing word or brief statement.

Performance assessments are designed to enhance the student’s level of competency based on the course outcomes and expectations of the industry




Course Schedule
Unit Description/Objectives Assessment Label:Description Due Date
1Course Orientation and Policies
  • Review syllabus
  • Discuss purpose of course, requirements, and application to individual study of material
  • Identify various types of suspension and steering and components
Safety Test: Complete lab safety test during lab orientationWeek 1
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 1
Read Chapter 1 in workbook, prior to next lab period Week 1
Complete worksheet-Lab handout Week 2
Identify angles using suspension examples in lab
Identify various types of suspension and steering and components
2Defining Camber and Caster
  • Define Camber and Caster
  • Identify vehicle influence
  • Determine angle tolerances
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 2
Homework due -Chapter 1 worksheet
& Key points worksheet
Complete Influence worksheet – Lab handout
3Toe and Bumpsteer
  • Define purpose of angles
  • Review toe and bump steer using software on Hunter alignment equipment
  • Measure total toe and adjust to zero spec using an assigned lab vehicle
Read Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 3
Lab 1: Lab 1: Measure Toe and Wheel run out Week 3
Review worksheet Week 2
Complete workbook exercise Week 2
Test 2: Camber and Caster InfluenceWeek 3
4Turning Radius: cause and effect of proper and improper turning radius
  • Explain benefits of proper turning radius
  • Explain how to measure and troubleshoot problems associated with turning radius
  • Measure turning radius using turnplates on vehicle
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 4
Complete workbook exercises Week 3
Lab 2: Measure Turning Radius Week 4
Test 3: 01T1 - Suspension angles (comprehensive) Week 4
5Steering Axis Inclination (SAI): discussion of SAI and its use in diagnosing alignment problems

  • Define SAI and explain benefits of angle
  • Explain how SAI is used as a diagnostic angle in collision repair
  • Using a Bear #27 like gauge and turnplates, measure camber and caster on an assigned lab vehicle
  • Diagnose condition of vehicle based on measured outcome
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 5
Complete worksheets in class
Test 4: 1a-Camber and Caster tolerance Week 5
Lab 3: Measure Camber and Caster using bubble gauges Week 5
6Included Angle (IA) and Scrub Radius: review of SAI and a discussion of IA, and scrub radius and their relationship to collision diagnostics
  • Discuss SAI concepts and diagnostic advantages
  • Define IA and Scrub Radius
  • Discuss each angle as additional diagnostic references to collision repair
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 6
Read "Techniques for Front Wheel Alignment" for next week
Workbook article
Skill development with lab projects
7Suspension Diagnostics: comprehensive discussion of alignment angles and the variable outcomes and benefits to damage diagnostics
  • Given examples of damage, evaluate effects of improper vehicle alignment angles
  • Discuss necessary adjustments or repairs needed to correct suspension
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 7
Test 5: "Techniques for Front Wheel Alignment" Week 7
Complete Workbook diagnostic exercises
8Damage Analysis using I-CAR DAM 03 review steering and suspension components to and discuss possible damage situations.
  • Given examples of damage, discuss steering and suspension damage situations
  • Complete steering and suspension identification worksheets
  • Evaluate control arm movement using a mechanical gauge and a chassis with an SLA suspension
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 8
Test 6: 02T1 - Suspension diagnostics (comprehensive)Week 8
Lab 4: SLA Camber and caster exerciseWeek 8
Review Suspension Nomenclature in Workbook prior to next class; Test in Lab
9Steering and Suspension and Diagnostics review of diagnostics.
Begin study of I-CAR STE01
  • Using worksheet determine possible damage to suspension components
  • Explain corrections to above suspension
  • Identify tire and wheel characteristics
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 9
Complete diagnostic worksheets in Lab
I-CAR STE Steering & Suspension Module 1 & 2
Homework: Read "Alignment Wheel meets body" and complete essays
Lab 5: Demonstration: Balancing Tire and Wheel AssemblyWeek 9
Test 7: Suspension Parts Identification Week 8
10 I-CAR STE01 Identification of wheel and tire assemblies, balancing and maintenance procedures
  • Explain how to balance a wheel/tire assembly
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 10
Homework 1: Complete essays regarding "Alignment Wheel Meets Body" according to instructional handoutWeek 10
Lab 6: Balance tire and wheel assemblyWeek 15
11Tracking and Thrust Angle identification of proper vehicle tracking, ride height, and associated concepts
  • Identify proper tracking tolerance and associated problems
  • Explain thrust angle and ride height
  • Explain methods of determining ride height
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 11
Homework 2: Complete test worksheet based on "Wheel Alignment" handoutWeek 12
Test 8: I-CAR STE Steering & SuspensionWeek 11
Lab 7: Demonstration of the proper set up and operation of the Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment systemWeek 11
Test - Tracking and Thrust Angles next week
12Damage Analysis review of steering and suspension worksheets to determine possible damage situations and correction alternatives.
  • Evaluation of steering and suspension damage situations
  • Identify problems and corrective procedures needed to achieve stated specifications
  • Participation in the set up and operation of the Hunter Alignment system and adjustments to Lab vehicle
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 12
Homework-Wheel Alignment Due
Test 9: 03T1 - Tracking and ThrustlineWeek 12
Lab 8: Demonstrate the proper set up and operation of the Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment system on an assigned lab vehicleWeek 15
Study "Four Wheel Alignment" workbook article and complete Lab handout information due next week
Complete page one of Definitions for instructor review for next week
Review Final Review chapter for comprehensive Diagnostic test next class period and upcoming Course Final
13Short/Long Arm Suspension (SLA): evaluate methods of adjustment and outcomes of this suspension
  • Given examples of the SLA suspension the student will identify the different types of adjustments
  • Determine effects based on worksheet provided in
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 13
Test 10: SLA worksheet (Lab exercise)Week 13
Test 11: "Four Wheel Alignment"Week 13
Test 12: 04T1-Suspension Diagnostics (comprehensive)Week 13
14Final Review: review of concepts and course material in preparation for Final Exam
  • Review for final exam. Evaluate past handouts and information to prepare for final
  • Complete any outstanding lab objectives
Review Lesson handouts in Workbook
Research study guide, PowerPoint and PDFs- Moodle Week 14
Complete Definitions for next class period
Study for Final Exam
15: Final Exam and Completion of Lab Objectives
  • Complete a comprehensive written final exam with at least 70% accuracy
  • Participate in clean up of lab areas and attend department awards ceremony
Homework 3: Course Definitions dueWeek 15
Final Exam: Final Course Exam (comprehensive)Week 15
Clean up lab, tools and equipment as assigned by instructor
ACM department awards ceremony if applicable
The Auto Collision Department or acting Instructor reserves the right to substitute or rearrange lecture topics, lab projects, homework, tests, or assignments based on the needs of the class or requirements to meet course outcomes and objectives. Once weekly 1323 objectives are completed, additional lab time may be used for other class objectives within semester.


Instructor Participation Policy:

A student is expected to attend and participate during the scheduled period of lab instruction.  This begins with the first scheduled class day of the term.  A student deemed a non-participant for more than 10% ( 5.5 hours) of the lab periods, regardless of grades earned on assignments, will have to repeat the course.  Participation in Moodle learning activities is recorded.  Students not participating in Moodle activities for more than 8 consecutive school days, excluding weekends, will be deemed a non-participant and will have to repeat the course.

A student is considered tardy up to 15 minutes into the scheduled lecture or lab, and thereafter will be considered a non-participant for that period of instruction.


Course Policies:

Course Expectations

You will be asked to undertake these activities to help you to learn the subject matter of this course.

  • Review the weekly lessons provided in Moodle or current Learning Management System (LMS) 
  • Research all study guides, articles, videos, or PDFs presented in Moodle or current LMS,  provided by your instructor or in your Workbook
  • Complete all weekly module activities in Moodle prior to scheduled lab time
  • Have reliable computer access not just a smartphone
  • Have reliable access to email
  • Have appropriate study skills and self-motivation to research the material
  • Meet the required attendance policy standards

Research; Definition - the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Safety Procedures
Students are required to participate in a safety lecture prior to performing in the laboratory portion of the course. A written test will be given to each participating student covering the presented safety materials. Students must complete the safety test with 100% accuracy prior to receiving lab assignments.
**With regard to the COVID-19 pandemic; Social distancing will still be maintained.
All lecture and laboratory safety rules and regulations will be followed in every detail. Failure to comply with this policy will result in dismissal from class until further notice. 


Acceptance Attire
  •  NIOSH approved clear safety glasses will be worn at all times
  • Full-toed shoes (no slippers, sandals, flip-flops, or bare feet)
  • Full length pants (must extend past ankles)
  • Pants must fit around waist within 3 inches of belly button
  • Shirts (no sleeveless or tank tops)
  • Shirts with and without buttons can be worn with instructor approval on neck opening exposure
  • Clothing must be reasonably snug fitting (not excessively loose, baggy, torn)
  • An inappropriate slogan on clothing is not acceptable.
  • Jogging clothes, sweats, or warm-ups are not acceptable.
  • Acceptable headgear: ball caps or bump caps (No do-rags, bandanas or shower caps)
  • The Instructor has the final authority concerning matters of dress
Classroom and Lab Behaviors
  • Smoking in classrooms, laboratories and shops are prohibited
  • Smoking is permitted only in designated areas
  • Smoking is prohibited within 20 feet of a building, when permitted
  • Smoking is prohibited within the fenced area surrounding the ACM and CAT Labs.
  • The consumption of drinks, candy and other food items is restricted to lounge areas
  • Eating or drinking in laboratories are hazardous because of the toxic nature of lab materials being handled
  • No horseplay at any time
  • Be responsible – Be a professional
Late Work/Test Policies

Students are required to check Moodle and email for updates to "Announcements" in Moodle or homework, lesson resource or videos, and tests in the Moodle "Weekly" sections.  Tests and homework must be completed by end of stated due dates. Complications with student activity will require student communication with instructor by phone, email or Moodle messages.   

All students are required to be present for class. However, unexpected circumstances will occur. If a student has an excused absence, death or illness in the immediate family, the student must notify the instructor of record immediately. If a test or assignment is missed, the instructor has to give permission for make up. The missed test or assignment must be made up before the next scheduled period of instruction or handed in immediately at the beginning of that period.
An excused absence only allows for make up of missed assignments or test. The absence is recorded.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class of the set due date. Late assignments will not be accepted and a grade of “zero” will be earned for said assignment. Students that have notified the instructor prior to the absence may be considered excused in case of emergency.

 Pop tests  

Can be given at any time by the instructor and are not make up items.
Students can be exempted from a final exam if:
  1. Lecture average is 90 or above
  2. Attendance is perfect
  3. Assignments are completed and turned in
  4. Projects are complete
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones may be brought into the classroom or lab as they are a part of our society.  It is common courtesy to put devices such as cell phones and laptops away during presentations and discussions as alerts and notifications from devices can distract you and others. So, the rule is to turn off cell phones during class time and put them away. Do not use a lap top in class unless you use it to take notes. If there is a need to use a device in the classroom, communicate this to your instructor so a discussion can occur and an understanding reached.
Phones and earphones may be used in the lab for music only.  Phones must be off during demonstrations or class discussions. 
Anyone failing to adhere to this policy will be dismissed from class and issued a non-participation grade (absence) for that period of instruction.
Departmental Awards Ceremony/Cleanup Policy
This event may not be applicable at this time.  In the event that it is established each student is expected to participate in the awards ceremony and cleanup activities once the date has been identified.
Students with unexpected circumstances can be excused by the department chair only.

TSTC school calendar identifies the end of the semester. Student break begins the day after