Outcome-based 22/FA Course Syllabus
Course Rubric-Number-Section:TSTC-1101-710
Contact Hours:
  • 2 hrs - Online Component
CIP Code:32.0101
Course Title:College Success
Course Description:Essential elements of student learning success at TSTC.
Course Meets:
Instructor: Jim Speckels
Office Phone Number: 325-734-3622
Email Address: jbspeckels@tstc.edu
Office Fax Number:
Building & Office Room Number: Online Google Meet (Virtual)
Office Hours: Google Meet: M-F 8-9am
Approved by: Claudia ArnoldDate: 2022-08-09
Course Outcomes
CO1: Navigate TSTC online applications and other electronic resources
CO2: Identify and demonstrate the use of academic resources
CO3: Identify and demonstrate the use of support services
CO4: Use targeted skills for classroom success
CO5: Identify effective life skill strategies
CO6: Demonstrate financial literacy

TSTC Grading Policy for Performance Based Education (PBE) General Education and Academic Courses*
Grade Percent Description Grade Points
A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4
B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3
C 70-79 Minimum Required Performance Level 2
F Below 70 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0
NA - - Not Applicable (Mid-Term)
Note: Only applicable to PBE sections.
NE - - No Credit Earned - Accelerated Courses Only (End of Semester)
Note: Only applicable to PBE sections.
W - - Withdrawal 0
*Note: The above grade codes only apply to Academic/ACGM PBE courses.
TSTC PBE Grading Policy for Performance Based Education (PBE) Technical Programs **
Grade Percent Description Grade Points
A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4
B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3
F below 80 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0
NA - - Not Applicable (Mid-Term) 0
NE - - No Credit Earned
Applicable to Accelerated Courses Only (End of Semester)
W - - Withdrawal 0
**Note: The above grade codes only apply to Technical/WECM PBE courses.
TSTC Grading Policy for Non-PBE Students
Grade Percent Description Grade Points
A 90-100 Excellent/Superior Performance Level 4
B 80-89 Above Required Performance Level 3
C 70-79 Minimum Required Performance Level 2
D 60-69 Below Required Performance Level 1
F Below 60 Failure to meet Performance Requirements 0
W - - Withdrawal 0
IP - - In Progress  
Reference: TSTC Statewide Operating Standard ES 4.06 Grading System

See College Catalog for complete descriptions.

NOTE: Course prerequisite/corequisite
When a course is a prerequisite or corequisite and the student is a PBE student, the PBE grading scheme is applicable. If the prerequisite was completed prior to the PBE start term for the student, the traditional grade may be acceptable. The student should review prior grades with the Enrollment Coach.

Performance Based Education (PBE) Program Competencies and Traditional Program Instruction (Non-PBE) Curriculum Revisions

Each Program of Study, at least once a year, reviews its degree plans, courses, lesson plans, course objectives, course outcomes and/or competencies. They do this to ensure that each degree plan contains the most current curriculum and that it meets industry standards and requirements.

Students who successfully complete courses by meeting the minimum standards set for the course will complete the course outcomes and/or PBE competencies and assessments set at the time of enrollment. Course outcomes, competencies, and assessments can be updated at any time, especially from one academic year to another. If a student needs to repeat a course they may need to complete different lesson plans, course objectives, assessments and/or course competencies.

Example: A student drops or fails a course in the Spring semester. When the student registers to retake a course, some or all of the course lesson plans and/or competencies and assessments may be different. Therefore, the student will need to successfully complete the newest assessment requirements for the course.

Campus Standard Policies

The Student Handbook contains valuable information on campus policies and procedures.

  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Student Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
  • Plagiarism
  • Student Grievances and Complaints

Access and Learning Accommodations

(formerly Disability Services)

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Texas State Technical College is committed to ensuring educational access to its students and promotes full participation in it’s programs, services, and course requirements.

Qualified students with disabilities are encouraged to access these services by contacting the Access and Learning Accommodations office to discuss their needs for accommodations.

Students reserve the right to request services at any time during the semester, however, instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from the Access and Learning Accommodations office has been provided.

For information, please contact the Access and Learning Accommodations office in a timely manner.

Statewide contact information:
Email: adarequest@tstc.edu
Phone #: 254.867.3842


Tutoring Statement

The Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Program at TSTC offers free tutoring and academic support services to help you achieve your academic and career goals. You can access the Tutoring Schedule, as well as MyTSTC Video Tutor Library, by visiting: https://portal.tstc.edu/student/Student_Learning/Pages/Tutoring.aspx (shortened link: goo.gl/Z9vJvY ).

For more information, please contact Norma A. Salazar@ 956-364-4557.

Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center provides online and in person library resources and services.  Go to tstc.libguides.com to find help with your assignments, projects, and papers.  Clicking the Student tab will allow you to find resources, homework help, tutorials, and real time chat to answer your questions.



Emergency Assistance Available

As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as food insecurity, housing, transportation, and childcare concerns, or you may be unable to pay your bills. These stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. TSTC offers emergency aid and services to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. Please contact the TSTC Advocacy & Resource Center.

You can reach a coach here: http://bit.ly/ARCCoach


Title IX

Texas State Technical College (TSTC) seeks to provide an environment that promotes equal opportunity free from discrimination and harassment.

If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or any other form of protected class discrimination, we encourage you to make a report. If you report to a faculty member, she or he must notify TSTC’s Title IX Coordinator about the incident. You may also make a confidential report to TSTC’s Counselors.

All students (including pregnant and parent students), regardless of their legal status are entitled to protections under TSTC’s policy.

For more information about Title IX or sexual misconduct, as well as your options, please visit https://www.tstc.edu/student_life/titleix.

For information about equal opportunity and civil rights policies, visit https://www.tstc.edu/governance/sos.


Student Uniforms Requirement

Fully Online Students

Texas State Technical College requires all students to wear a program-specific uniform while attending functions on and off campus. This uniform is available for purchase at the campus bookstore. As a student in a fully online program you are required to purchase at least two program-specific uniforms in the event you attend any in person or off campus learning opportunities or events (i.e. Job Fairs, Resume & Interview workshops, and media interviews).

Hybrid & F2F Students

Texas State Technical College requires all students to wear a program-specific uniform while attending functions and labs on and off campus. This uniform is available for purchase at the campus bookstore. As a student in a hybrid program you are required to purchase at least two program-specific uniforms to wear to in person labs and other learning opportunities or events held on or off campus (i.e. Job Fairs, Resume & Interview workshops, and media interviews).

Course Grade:

Grades of D or better are passing for TSTC 1101/1102

Grades of C or better are passing for PBE TSTC 1101/1102


Course Schedule
Unit Description/Objectives Assessment Label:Description Due Date
1Your Course and Classmates
CC1.1: Identify the importance of class syllabi and identify key components of courses
CC1.2: Establish positive connections with instructors and peers.
  • LO1.1: Locate class syllabi.
  • LO1.2: Identify important contact information on the syllabus.
  • LO1.3: Interact through discussion boards with classmates and instructors.
Competency Assessment 1: Syllabus Quiz / Introduction Forum
These are worth 50 points each and will be added together to equal your one Competency assessment grade.
2Campus and TSTC Portal
CC2.1: Navigate and identify key information on the TSTC website and Portal.
  • LO2.1: Identify and interpret website key information.
  • LO2.2: Locate and identify student enrollment coaches using TSTC Website and Portal.
  • LO2.3:Log on and use WebAdvisor, MyMail, and Portal.
  • LO2.4: Locate and evaluate student rights and responsibilities.
  • LO2.5: Recognize and identify TSTC policies and safety procedures.
  • LO2.6: Demonstrate how to access tutoring services.
  • LO2.7: Utilize LinkedIN Learning and Google Drive
Competency Assessment 2: The assignments are added together to equal one competency assessment grade. Each assignment and the number of points it is worth are listed below:

Safety and Resource Discussion: 20
Safety Quiz: 20
Campus and Portal Quiz: 20
LinkedIN Learning Assignment: 20
Grade Book Assignment: 10
MyMail Assignment:10
Total Competency Assessment Points possible: 100
3Study Strategies and Stress Management
CC3.1: Demonstrate productive study skills to prepare for tests and assessments.
CC3.2: Implement strategies to reduce and manage negative stress.
  • LO3.1: Practice different study techniques.
  • LO3.2: Recognize stress triggers and develop methods to reduce negative stress.
  • LO3.3: Recognize students' learning style and personality traits and the effect on learning.
  • LO3.4: Utilize the Learning Resource Center
Competency Assessment 3: The assignments are added together to equal one competency assessment grade. Each assignment in this unit is 20 points.
1. Study Strategy Quiz
2. Applying Active Learning Assignment
3. Learning Resource Center Assignment
4. Self reflection: Learning Style
5. Managing Stress
4Career Services and Shaping You to Get Hired
CC4.1: Determine and explore services provided by TSTC Career Services by utilizing Portal and activating Hire TSTC
  • LO4.1: Utilize services provided by TSTC Career Services.
  • LO4.2: Identify and practice using career resources such as Hire TSTC, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor.
Competency Assessment 4: Career Services Assignments : 100 Possible points
5Interpersonal Skills, Communication, and Teamwork
CC5.1: Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills through teamwork and accomplishing a common goal.
  • LO5.1: Work in a group to accomplish a goal.
  • LO5.2: Use technology to create a presentation.
  • LO5.3: Demonstrate the use of effective communication tools by collaborating with classmates.
Competency Assessment 5: Group Project: 100 possible points
6Time Management, Goal Setting, and Organization
CC 6: Plan, organize, and schedule commitments and goals while taking initiative in learning and workplace environments.
  • LO 6.1: Create weekly schedule using Weekly Schedule Maker.
  • LO 6.2: Experiment with planning on Google Calendar.
  • LO 6.3: Set measurable short and long term goals.
  • LO 6.4: Plan and organize tasks to maintain productivity.
Competency Assessment 6: Time Management Forum: 50 points
Goal Setting Assignment: 50 points
Total Competency Assessment points: 100
7Financial Literacy
CC7: Develop a strategy to maintain financial responsibilities.
  • LO 7.1: Create a plan to save money.
  • LO 7.2: Research the different types of financial aid.
  • LO 7.3: Research the importance of credit and access credit report
  • LO 7.4: Investigate steps on avoiding becoming a target of identity theft.
Competency Assessment 7: Budgeting Forum: 50
Identity Theft Forum: 50
Total: 100 points


Grade Scheme
Category Description Category Value   
Competency Assessments 100%   
Assessment Label: Assessment Description Assessment Value
Competency Assessment 1:Syllabus Quiz / Introduction Forum These are worth 50 points each and will be added together to equal your one Competency assessment grade.14.29%
Competency Assessment 2:The assignments are added together to equal one competency assessment grade. Each assignment and the number of points it is worth are listed below: Safety and Resource Discussion: 20 Safety Quiz: 20 Campus and Portal Quiz: 20 LinkedIN Learning Assignment: 20 Grade Book Assignment: 10 MyMail Assignment:10 Total Competency Assessment Points possible: 10014.29%
Competency Assessment 3:The assignments are added together to equal one competency assessment grade. Each assignment in this unit is 20 points. 1. Study Strategy Quiz 2. Applying Active Learning Assignment 3. Learning Resource Center Assignment 4. Self reflection: Learning Style 5. Managing Stress14.29%
Competency Assessment 4:Career Services Assignments : 100 Possible points14.29%
Competency Assessment 5:Group Project: 100 possible points14.29%
Competency Assessment 6:Time Management Forum: 50 points Goal Setting Assignment: 50 points Total Competency Assessment points: 10014.29%
Competency Assessment 7:Budgeting Forum: 50 Identity Theft Forum: 50 Total: 100 points14.29%
Total Assessment Percent          100.00%
Total Category Percent 100.00%
A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-70 D = 69-60 F = 59-0

Description of Graded Elements of the Course
Assessment Label Assessment Description/Course outcomes met Assessment Value
in Percent
% of Final Grade
Competency Assessment 1Syllabus Quiz / Introduction Forum These are worth 50 points each and will be added together to equal your one Competency assessment grade.
Course outcomes met: CO1, CO2, CO7, CO8
Competency Assessment 2The assignments are added together to equal one competency assessment grade. Each assignment and the number of points it is worth are listed below: Safety and Resource Discussion: 20 Safety Quiz: 20 Campus and Portal Quiz: 20 LinkedIN Learning Assignment: 20 Grade Book Assignment: 10 MyMail Assignment:10 Total Competency Assessment Points possible: 100
Course outcomes met: CO10, CO11, CO3, CO4, CO8, CO9, CO2
Competency Assessment 3The assignments are added together to equal one competency assessment grade. Each assignment in this unit is 20 points. 1. Study Strategy Quiz 2. Applying Active Learning Assignment 3. Learning Resource Center Assignment 4. Self reflection: Learning Style 5. Managing Stress
Course outcomes met: CO5, CO10
Competency Assessment 4Career Services Assignments : 100 Possible points
Course outcomes met: CO7, CO8, CO10
Competency Assessment 5Group Project: 100 possible points
Course outcomes met: CO10, CO11
Competency Assessment 6Time Management Forum: 50 points Goal Setting Assignment: 50 points Total Competency Assessment points: 100
Course outcomes met: CO8, CO10
Competency Assessment 7Budgeting Forum: 50 Identity Theft Forum: 50 Total: 100 points
Course outcomes met: CO6, CO10, CO11
Added Outcomes
CO7: CO1: Navigate TSTC online applications and other electronic resources
CO8: CO2: Identify and demonstrate the use of academic and job-related resources
CO9: CO3: Identify and demonstrate the use of support services
CO10: CO4: Use targeted skills for classroom and professional success
CO11: CO5: Identify effective life skills and employability strategies (including communication, team building, technology, safety, and financial literacy)


Technology Requirements

Please note that this is an online course. Students will need regular access to a computer with reliable internet access in order to be successful in this course.

Required Items/Materials:

  • Internet accessibility (high speed)
  • Adobe Reader - Can be downloaded for free at (http://get.adobe.com/reader/)
  • Access to your TSTC student email/TSTC MyMail, which you should check regularly for updates
  • A personal set of earbuds or headphones that can be used when completing coursework and/or assessments (recommended, not required)
  • Access to Canvas (https://tstc.instructure.com).
  • For questions, contact the TSTC Online Learning Office (956-364-4361) or TSTC Help Desk via phone: 1-800-592-8784 or email: tstchelpdesk@tstc.edu

Technological Challenges:

Students are strongly encouraged to 1) take a screenshot of whatever the problem is, and 2) contact the TSTC HelpDesk, which is available seven days per week, if they encounter any difficulties with Canvas. To reach the HelpDesk, students may call 1-800-592-8784 and/or send an email to tstcHelpDesk@tstc.edu . Instructors are unlikely to be able to rectify most technological issues.

For questions, please access the TSTC Help Desk via phone: 1-800-592-8784 or email: tstchelpdesk@tstc.edu


Due Dates in First Year Seminar Non-PBE Sections

Students are expected to complete all of the assignments by the due dates listed in Canvas. 


Additional Important Information

Note: All first-time TSTC Students are required to take TSTC 1101, as well as all transfer students with less than 24 semester credit hours. The course is required for graduation, but it is not required for Dual Enrollment or Continuing Education students. 

All Assignments – Students are to submit assignments according to the instructions provided. Unless otherwise instructed, please do not submit assignments via email, in a comment on Canvas, by message, DropBox, iCloud, voicemail, fax, SMS, by hand, nor in One Note, Pages, Microsoft Works, WordPad, LibreOffice.

Learning Management System Access – Regular access the Canvas Learning Management System (https://tstc.instructure.com) is a requirement for this course.

Course Announcements and/or Q & A Forums (in Canvas) – Designated forums for updates, communication, etc.

Technological Challenges – Students are strongly encouraged to 1) take a screenshot of whatever the problem is, and 2) contact the TSTC HelpDesk, which is available seven days per week, if they encounter any difficulties with Canvas: 1-800-592-8784; tstcHelpDesk@tstc.edu


Communicating With Your Instructor

All students have a TSTC MyMail student email account. All official messages sent by the instructor will be directed to the student's MyMail account, so students should be checking messages regularly. TSTC MyMail is part of Google; students may navigate it in a manner similar to Gmail. Students must use their TSTC email to communicate with their instructor(s); please be certain to include your course name and section number in the subject line and to include your full name in the body of the email as well as your specific request and the manner in which you'd like the instructor(s) to reply.

Enhanced Discussions

New are course Enhanced Discussions: A virtual meeting room where students can come together (chat) and engage in discussions with faculty and other students about concepts and material not fully understood. Time and dates for discussions will be announced the first week of the semester through Canvas.

Your instructor will make every attempt to respond to students within 24-72 hours with the exception of approved leave, weekends, and/or holidays.


Mandatory TSTC 1101 Participation Policy

As TSTC 1101 students are required to be active participants in their classes, throughout the course there are various activities students must complete to fulfill the participation requirements mandated for this course. These activities are located in Canvas. Students seeking to obtain more detailed information about fulfilling the participation requirements for this course should consult their instructor for clarification.


The college classroom is a place for individuals to improve their intellectual and academic skills. Students thrive in environments that are free of interruptions or distractions that impede learning. It is important that students are adequately prepared and actively engaged in order to achieve optimal learning experiences in this class.

On a case-by-case basis, an instructor might be able to waive a portion of a student’s participation requirements with evidence of illness, a death in the immediate family, an official religious holiday, a documented emergency or natural disaster, and/or related extenuating circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to notify their instructor in such instances.


Academic Support Services and Tutoring

The Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring Program at TSTC offers free tutoring and academic support services to help you achieve your academic and career goals.  You can access the Tutoring Schedule, as well as MyTSTC Video Tutor Library, by visiting: https://portal.tstc.edu/student/Student_Learning/Pages/tutoring.aspx.

You can acquire more information on tutoring and/or access the MyTSTC Video Tutor Library by visiting these links:





Students should register and be familiar with the TSTC Emergency Notification System in order to get important safety-related updates from TSTC. There will likely be updates on social media and/or the TSTC website as well. Students should also be prepared to dial 911 or utilize the appropriate emergency contact for their area as needed.


Academic Integrity and Copyright Statement

All work turned in must be your own original work. Any work turned in represented as yours that is not will be considered plagiarism. The punishment for plagiarism will be removal from the course with a grade of F and possible removal from the program and/or college.